Rainbow Beach Hypnotherapy
Embark on a journey of self-discovery at Rainbow Beach Hypnotherapy! Unlock your full potential through gentle, effective hypnotherapy. Overcome habits, fears, and anxieties with tailored sessions designed for your well-being. Join us for a brighter, happier tomorrow. Life's a rainbow—let's make it shine together!

My Story
Having spent most of my early years in a remote area of Australia with few people about, I enjoyed the freedom and nature that surrounded me. When I accidentally arrived in Rainbow Beach about 20 years ago, I knew I had found my second home, and the similar things it had to offer. The only difference was I could surf here.
I did spend a few years away in this time, where I completed studies including honours in Psychology, Disablity work, and I spent a lot of time working within multiple disciplines, age groups, as well as being able to support many differing mental health conditions, cognitive impairments, disablities, diseases, and developmental conditions.
That I ended up training in and practising Hypnotherapy, NLP and other forms of thereapy, was both a surprise in one way, but also made perfect sense looking back. Being that, during all of my studies, and treating and managing my own life, it was Hypnosis and its affiliated practises that helped and changed me the most. In fact I remember to this day how over time these methods reduced my study time from approximately 32 hours to 6-8 hours. Whilst I definately use some of the tools or information gleened from my studies, it was ironic that I had already started using and training myself in methods associated to Hynotherapy, to improve my outcomes studying the mind and science. Even back then I was printing out training manuals and practises in Hypnotherapy which I read in the limited spare time I had.
To me whilst varying Therapy approaches are useful and sometimes very successful, personally in my own experiences as a client and practitioner, they struggled to change or often just 'manged' the problem or condition. Where I had enjoyed 'talk therapies' and they made perfect sense, I often found the underlying state or condition had not changed or was sitting in the background still. And all that time on the sideline I had started to look for other forms of therapy that could help, but also that I could utilise. This included, Tapping, EMDR, Visualisation Techniques, Breath Work, and Meditation Based Excersises.
It was only by chance that I recieved a letter from the APA about placement in Psychology, and at the same time I started to look at what methods I could pratise. Some months later I recieved a placement offer, and ironically at the same time I came across some higher level training in Hypnotherapy. My intention was to study the Hypnotherapy and practise it whilst I possibly completed my Psychology placement. However that is where that all ended, on completion of my Hypnotherapy training, I strongly knew my heart was not in Psychology (or the associated direction I'd need to take, or the desire to complete it).
I am very thankful to this day for Hypnotherapy and the other methods I have learnt, as it doesn't feel like work when it's a passion. That I also came across NLP amongst all of this was a such a blessing too.
Initial Session and consultation $150
Ongoing sessions $130
0409 485 004